Bulk SMS Services
We enable those 160 meaningful characters to reach their intended recipients in real-time.
Get Your Message Across
An SMS is the cheapest and most convenient method of reaching a wide variety of people in the shortest amount of time possible. It provides for message delivery at cost and only requires the intended recipient to be in the presence of adequate network coverage for their chosen Mobile Network Operator (MNO). This means that as business you are able to keep in touch with customers in an easy manner 24/7 any day of the year.
As Angle Dimension, we provide an SMS platform that enables you as a business to reach out to your customers directly or via SMS notifications that are part of your service delivery processes. Our SMS platform is cloud-based, build to be robust, and is comprised of components that ensure correct and timely delivery of messages. Furthermore, as a seasoned provider of SMS services we can help you to interact with MNOs ensuring that you get your SMS delivery processes up and running in the shortest time possible.
What We Offer
We provide the following as part of our Bulk SMS Services

Custom Software Development
We understand that you may not have a suitable setup to handle SMS communications on-premises. For such situations we offer our Software Development services and work hand-in-hand with your personnel to ensure that all the necessary supporting infrastructure is in place.

All of our SMS services are handled by our proprietary SMS Gateway which handles the receipt and delivery of SMSs, tracking of SMS routes, as well security and privacy. The SMS Gateway is cloud-based and makes use of the best of breed technologies available on Amazon Web Services platform guaranteeing high availability and strong security.

Our SMS Gateway API is REST based which allows you to interact with it in an easy and intuitive manner. This means that as long as you can reach our gateway from your internal infrastructure, we will deliver your message to your intended recipient.
Service Options

One-Way Communication
As a business there are times that you only need to provide your customers with certain information via SMS without requiring any form of feedback. Such messages are typically identified by a Short Code which uniquely identifies your business, and helps recipients to trust the source of the message. If the aforementioned scenario sounds familiar to you then we would recommended the One-Way Communication option.
Two-Way Communication
The alternative option caters for scenarios where you as a business require feedback or a bit more back and forth communication with your customers. We provide the necessary software to interact with customer feedback via SMS and enable you to provide responses in a timely manner. Please note that while these are the two main options available you are not limited to only picking one. If you need to understand how best our SMS services can be integrated into your business processes then please don’t hesitate to drop us an email at info@angledimension.com or Contact Us.

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